Leucine 10x QMS
 Elevate your product quality from Risk to Assurance
From Risk to Assurance: Elevate your
product quality with Leucine 10x QMS

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Key Features of Leucine 10x qMS

Comprehensive Features of Leucine 10x QMS

Centralized Quality Control Dashboard

Manage quality processes with real-time insights from Leucine 10x dashboard.

Streamline Operations with Smart Automation

Automation from generating documents to scheduling audits, freeing your team for strategic initiatives

Continuous Regulatory Compliance

Proactive compliance monitoring to ensure continuous audit readiness

Leverage Data with Advanced Analytics

Transforms data into strategic insights for operational excellence

Platform Capabilities

Deviation Management: Real-Time Deviation Detection

Real-time monitoring technology automates deviation detection, ensuring quick documentation and corrective actions for integrity.

CAPA Management: Intelligent CAPA Workflow Automation

Leucine 10x automates CAPA planning, tracking, and verification, enhancing decision-making and preventing recurring quality issues.

Change Control Management: Automated Impact Assessment

Automate impact assessments, predict and mitigate disruptions, ensure thorough evaluations, and maintain compliance in dynamic environments

Market Complaints Management: Advanced Complaint Analytics

Analyze and categorize market complaints to proactively address trends and improve product quality.

Seamless Audit Management: Scheduling and Reporting

Optimize audits with automated scheduling, comprehensive reporting, and systematic management of documentation and compliance checks.

Key Benefits of 10x QMS

Key Benefits of
10x QMS

All time Audit Readiness
Leucine 10x QMS ensures perpetual audit-readiness with continuous monitoring, proactive compliance checks
Autonomous deviation detection, significantly reducing audit stress and risks.
Optimizing Cost of Quality
Leucine 10x QMS reduces compliance costs and effort by automating tasks and streamlining quality assurance,
Enhancing efficiency and resource allocation for innovation and improvement.
Product Robustness
Leucine 10x QMS upholds data integrity by ensuring data is complete, consistent, and accurate per ALCOA principles.
Enhancing traceability and security, it ensures all information is attributable, legible, timely, and reliably stored, supporting compliance and confident decision-making.

Trusted by 350+ Pharmaceutical

Manufacturing Facilities Around the World

Trusted by 300+  

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Facilities Around the World

Experience the First Gen-AI powered

Elevate Deviation Management

Connect with a Leucine expert and learn how you can turn your pharma shop floor into a facility of the future

Modern enterprise grade data security

that pharma needs