Anthony Bucks
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Bucks' primary focus is ensuring compliance with sterile manufacturing procedures, specifically those involving potential microbiological contamination. He is vigilant about the appropriateness of clothing for processing personnel, laboratory procedures, and testing regimes, particularly those involving microbial tests. He also underlines the importance of detailed record keeping for containers and closures, and efficient cleaning and maintenance policies for equipment in controlled areas. Furthermore, he is keen to ensure the effectiveness of the cleaning and disinfecting agents and methods used in aseptic processing areas.
Anthony Bucks appears to be a meticulous and detail-oriented FDA auditor who has a keen eye for microbiological contamination prevention measures and the corresponding procedures. He places a significant focus on personnel hygiene and the use of appropriate clothing during drug processing to prevent contamination. The integrity of laboratory controls and testing regimes, especially concerning potency and absence of objectionable microorganisms, is of great importance to him. He has also shown emphasis on the maintenance and cleanliness of equipment and utensils used in cleanrooms and the record keeping of containers and closures. The adequacy of cleaning and disinfecting of aseptic processing areas is another key point of interest for him.
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